You only brought this on yourself!

Gizmodo email to Jobs: “We have nothing to lose.”

Right now, we have nothing to lose. The thing is, Apple PR has been cold to us lately. It affected my ability to do my job right at iPad launch. So we had to go outside and find our stories like this one, very aggressively.

Blaming the victim. Classy.

And read the Wired piece, too. Amazing story. That, of course, broke after the Macalope’s deadline for this week’s Macworld piece. Sigh.

  • RM:

    Right. I’m sure offering a bounty for leaked/stolen iPad access was in response to Apple being cold at iPad launch time.

  • Kevin Chen:

    in addition, editors at Gizmodo also reported that apple was late coming home several times, even after Jesus Diaz slaved over a hot kitchen stove for hours and wore that slip with the see through lace.

  • Clark:

    It’s kind of disgusting how Brian Lam is trying so hard to get “access” to Apple while extorting them at the same time.

    The sad thing here is that Brian Lam actually thinks he’s a journalist, but he didn’t “find” this story by going after it aggressively. A guy found a phone and gave him a call. That’s all that happened. He didn’t do sh*t except for picking up a phone. That’s tabloid journalism, not real journalism. Real journalists go outside and track down leads, some even go undercover and expose things. Tabloid journalists wait for the phone to ring and pay people for dirt. I don’t think he understands the difference there.

    And Gawker Media, Gizmodo’s parent company, started this Tabloid sh*t with the iPad. Remember the “reward” they offered for pictures of the iPad?

  • John:

    Allegedly found the phone. No one saw this happen.

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